In a town there exists two competing stuffed animal companies. One company is known for its line of Bears, and the other company makes Bunnies. They both however, market and sell their products to the same market.
For phase one of our first illustration project, you need to name each company, determine the audience the companies market to, then design and illustrate the signature stuffed animal for their product line. The two stuffed animal characters should be based upon meeting a particular, but separate, need of the market that both companies cater to. Then write a short tagline or positioning statement for each company based upon how well their products meet that market need.
For example…
You might choose the name Bare Lips for the company that makes Bears and market them to lonely
adults. Bare Lips’ bears could be unique with human-like lips. They
would allow a lonely adult to get a smooch whenever they liked. Bare Lips tag line might be “Feel the Love”.
For the other company…
You might choose the name Sweeties for the company that makes Bunnies. but market them to needy
adults. Sweet Bunnies’ animals could be unique with a zippered heart
pouch and a chocolate heart inside. The needy adult could eat a sweet
whenever they needed some comfort. Sweeties tag line might be “Eat Our
Hearts Out”.
This phase of our project will include:
– A Creative Brief for the company name, market, tagline and stuffed animal character
– Word (Mind Map) and image (Image Board) Research to generate ideas
– At least three Concept Thumbnails of both the bunny and the bear stuffed animals
– Two Tight Roughs of both the bunny and the bear
– A company name, tagline, and Final Design/Illustration of a bunny and a bear
Each of these required elements must be posted to your blog under the post title -
IP1 - Bunnies & Bears.
The first three to four elements are due Thursday, January 18th.
The final designs/illustrations are due Tuesday, January 23rd.